Add Device Flow
1. Download mobile app
Add device process goes through mobile apps, so in order to add a device, first you will have to download an app: iOS app or Android app.
2. Sign-in/sign-up
The next thing you have to do is to log in. To log into the CityOS Air system you can use sign up options (Email/Facebook/Google) on mobile or web apps.
3. Add device
If you've logged in is the time to add your own device. Bellow is the ordered flow and underneath some clarifications and instructions.
3.1. Power up your Boxy
First, connect your Boxy to the power. Boxy signals you that it's ready to be connected to by displaying rainbow colors like it's shown in the picture below.
Boxy sesion
When you power up a Boxy you will be able to connect to it for 1 minute, in order to configure it.
If you don't connect and add a device in that period of time you will need to restart it (unplug and plug-in).

3.2. In side menu click on Add Device
Add Device
Next, open your mobile app.
Then, open the side menu and click on Add Device option.

3.3. Click on Open Settings
Open Settings
buttonYou will be presented with the Connect Device screen.
Click on the Open Settings button and you will be transferred to the iOS/Android settings.

3.4. Connect to the Boxy-{code}
Navigate to the WiFi portion and select your device whose SSID should start with Boxy-{code}.

3.5. Click on Configure Device
Configure Device
buttonOnce connected go back to CityOS Air app and click on the Configure Device button.

3.6. Enter your WiFi details
On the Configure Device screen select your internet WiFi SSID and the SSID field should be automatically filled in. Enter the password carefully, because if the wrong password is entered Boxy will not be able to access the internet, and thus to send the data. You will need to re-add it again in that case.
Wrong WiFi details
In case you enter the wrong WiFi details (SSID or password) Boxy will not be connected, and you will need to re-add the device.
Once you entered the password click Save and you should be transferred to the Device Location screen.

Boxy is not connected!
If Boxy is not connected it will signal the user with a spinning red light on the attached ring. The red light will be shown in a duration of 5 seconds every 10 seconds, as shown below.

3.7. Select Boxy location
Since your phone was connected to the Boxy's SSID, it might take a few moments for connection to reset to your WiFi. When that is done map will show on the screen.
Select the location of your Boxy and click Continue.

3.8. Add Boxy name and type
On the next, Device Info screen, enter the device's name and switch on Indoor if the device is an indoor device.
Click Done and you will be transferred to the device's dashboard screen.

Congratulations, you have your first Boxy set up feeding your data about how healthy is the air you breathe, in house, or outdoors.

iOS 'Add Device' Flow - all together

Android 'Add Device' Flow - all together
Updated almost 5 years ago