1. It Started in Sarajevo
1.1. Most polluted capital city in the Europe
Air pollution is a serious risk to human health and was estimated to cause 4.2 million premature deaths in 2016 - the majority of which occurred in developing countries. Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), experiences some of the worst air pollution in Europe, reaching an all-time high in 2016, on bad days even surpassing levels in major cities in China.

The most polluted capital in Europe
We want to contribute to the reduction of pollution by educating people, collecting reliable and relevant data on the sources of pollution and making it publicly available for the community and scientific use.
According to the World Health Organization, Sarajevo is the most polluted capital in Europe, and Bosnia & Herzegovina is the most polluted country in Europe, based on particulate matter.
1.2. CityOS Hackathon
So we did what we do best, we brought together best developers, makers and hackers that care about their city and we kicked it off with CityOS Hackathon.
And ever since then we been developing solutions, educating young people and passing on all findings to the community so others can act too.
1.3. History of the software and hardware
In 2014 we have built our first apps and connected to outdated measuring station,

Very first mobile apps
but quickly we realized that data was not available and data was not reliable (stations are not measuring PM2.5 or PM1, there is only a few of them in the city and it is not uncommon for them to not function for days), so we decided to build our own first mini stations using laser sensors.

First board we designed
And started to collect data.
Over time we have learned a lot - but now we are taking it to the next level, and are happy that you have joined. It seems to be your turn to learn, so here we go.
Updated about 5 years ago