2. GitHub Desktop
Install GitHub Desktop and clone project code
Git and GitHub are not the same thing!
Please note that GitHub and Git are not the same software. Please, don't skip Git installation later on.
2.1. Download and install
Download GitHub Desktop from here:
- GitHub Desktop - Simple collaboration from your desktop
- Click on the Download button (red rectangle)

2.2. Open the downloaded file
Go to your downloads folder and open downloaded file. This will start the installation.
Installation in progress

2.3 Log into your GitHub account
Log into your GitHub account by clicking on the link marked with red arrow.
If you don't have a GitHub account you can sign up here or by clicking on the link marked with a blue arrow.

2.4. Clone NodeMCU repository
Click on 'Clone a repository from the Internet...'

Click on "URL" on the top menu.
Put "appsmonkey/air.nodemcu.full" in repository URL and use "Local path" to choose a folder where the project will be saved

P.S> Local path
In this example, we used the default GitHub folder as our location, but you can save it anywhere you like.
2.5. What does success looks like?!

If you were successful you should see project checked out.

Updated almost 5 years ago